Co-Chairs WEEC2015


Ingrid Pramling SamuelssonIngrid Pramling Samuelsson

Chair of the National Scientific Committee

Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson is professor in Early Childhood Education, and holds an UNESCO chair in ECE and Sustainable Development. She is the immediate past world president of OMEP (Organisation Mondiale pour l’Education Presolare). Her main research area is young children’s learning and well as conditions for learning in early years.



Arjen WalsArjen Wals

Chair of the International Advisory Committee

Arjen Wals is a Professor of Social Learning and Sustainable Development. He also is a UNESCO Chair in the same field and has an Adjunct position at the Department of Natural Resources of Cornell University (2011-2016). Since January 1st 2013 he has been appointed as the Director of Wageningen University’s Center for Sustainable Development and Food Security ( Wals is currently a guest professor at the University of Gothenburg.