NGO Forum Exhibitors


VätternEast Vättern Scarp Landscape Biosphere Reserve
– Biosphere Academy

We are all a part of the biosphere! Thus, together, we strive in the East Vättern scarp Landscape to preserve, develop and support the vitality, natural and cultural heritage, as well as knowledge and practice, of local communities – for ourselves and for generations to come. The Biosphere Academy was established in order to implement the Unesco Global Action Programme on ESD in the biosphere reserve and to act as a bridge between indigenous and academic knowledge, between formal and non-formal learning and to act as a forum for research and sustainable practice in close collaboration between schools, civic education, universities, NGOs, museums etc


FORUM UmweltbildungFORUM Umweltbildung

The “FORUM Umweltbildung“ (Environmental education FORUM Austria) combines more than twenty years of experience in environmental education with innovative and groundbreaking educational approaches especially in the field of education for sustainable development.

FORUM Umweltbildung offers educational support via publications, websites, events like conferences and workshops, innovative flagship projects, educational networks, educational funds and personal contact. FORUM Umweltbildung works for a target group of educators in the formal (school and university) and non-formal (further education, adult education) educational sector in Austria. 

FORUM Umweltbildung is an initiative of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education and Women's affairs.



Muhammed Foundation

Mohammed VI Foundation for the Protection of Environment

Under the leadership of HRH Princess Lalla Hasnaa, the Mohammed VI Foundation for the Protection of Environment has initiated efforts towards awareness and shared responsibility, involving all potential change agents under the motto: ALL FOR THE ENVIRONMENT.

By bringing together all stakeholders, it aims to:

  • Develop an ethic of individual and collective responsibility for environmental conservation and preservation;
  • Transmit behavior that enable individuals to cope with environmental challenges;
  • Identify, share, disseminate and develop new, more environmentally friendly products and services;
  • Enhance public awareness and environmental education as a societal project.

Thanks to the Foundation President’s sustained dynamism and resolved commitment, over several years it has built partnership networks at the national and international level with all relevant stakeholders: schoolchildren, high school students, citizens, associations, businesses, governments, local communities, etc.

Learn more :


 young_rep_08_rgbYoung Reporters for the Environment (YRE)fee_rgb

Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) is a network of international youth engaged in environmental journalism and Education for Sustainable Development. It is coordinated by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) and operates in more than 25 countries. Keep Sweden Tidy is the national operator of Young Reporters for the Environment in Sweden (


FEE, Keep Sweden Tidy and passionate young reporters from Slovakia, Sweden and Turkey will present YRE in the NGO – forum.

Håll Sverige Rent        TURCEV