Abstract submission guidelines

Link to Abstract Submission

Steps to submit your abstract

  1. Before sending your first abstract, you have to register for the Congress at the abstract submission site by following the online instructions.
  2. Once you are acknowledged that your abstract has been accepted for presentation, you are kindly requested to pay the registration fees using the online payment system. Once the registration fee is paid your abstract will be included in the 8th WEEC program. Registration fee include: all scientific program points, official opening ceremony, welcome cocktail, lunch, coffee/tea, conference dinner, free internet.
  3. In the registration form you must insert also username and password. When the registration is completed you will receive an email in order to confirm your registration.
  4. Proposals may be submitted in English, French and Spanish.
  5. Follow the online instructions in all the steps to complete your abstract (max 3000 text characters, not words, and a maximum of 5 keywords).
  6. Each participant is limited to a maximum of two abstracts. Depending on available space, the Program Committee may accept a third abstract from some participants.
  7. You will be asked to indicate the thematic area of your abstract.
  8. You will also be asked to identify a choice of presentation format and answer a question about other presentation formats. As we anticipate many submissions, the Program Committee will evaluate each abstract and make a final selection of presentation format for you. The presentation formats to choose from are: oral papers, poster presentations, round table papers and workshops.
  9. Abstracts will be published as sent by the authors. It is the responsibility of each author to ensure that they are carefully edited.
  10. Once all fields are filled and the abstract is submitted a confirmation email is sent to you. It includes abstract identifier details as well as information about how you may modify the abstract. Modification is possible until the deadline 14 January 2015, Midnight CET.
  11. Your abstract will be evaluated by the International and National Scientific Committees. The notification of your abstract acceptance (or rejection) will be emailed to you as soon as possible.
  12. To later submit another abstract go to the login box on the left hand side of the abstract submission page, insert your username and password and then click on the login button.


Link to Abstract Submission